Ghost Bird

First Nations Australians, Laney and Stacey, may be mirror twins, but their personalities are very different. Whilst Stacey works hard in school, determined to leave her home town, Laney skives off school and sneaks out to meet her boyfriend, Troy. However, when Laney disappears one night, Stacey refuses to believe she has just run off. She starts having dark, vivid dreams about her sister, leaving her in no doubt that her twin is in danger and needs her help.

This is an outstanding novel which is all consuming and compelling. Drawing on her rich cultural heritage, Lisa Fuller has created something very special and original.

Relationships are brilliantly captured from the twin’s bond to the close-knit ‘mob’ (the wider family), who rally round to find Laney in the face of apathy and racism from the authorities and parts of the wider community. Respect for elders is engrained in the girls, but in the face of her loss, Stacey is prepared to break these rules- including a long-standing family feud with the Millers- to rescue her sister from the horrors she is facing.

The settings are vividly captured. The reader can feel the relentless heat and see how the land has been scarred by the actions of white settlers in places whilst enjoying the beauty of the landscape in others. Some moments are truly disturbing, with the author skilfully building tension.

I am in no way qualified to comment on the cultural background of this story and have no wish to offend the author, or anyone else, by a clumsy comment as from the author’s note, it is obvious that she has drawn on her beliefs to create her story. All I can say is that I found it a completely absorbing, beautifully written read and I would love to read more by Lisa Fuller in the future.

Ghost Bird Lisa Fuller

Old Barn Books ISBN: 978-1910646809


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