Ximena Reale is determined to become a Cazadoro at La Academia de los Cazadores, but despite being a star student, her prospects are tarnished by her heritage. Five years ago, her parents were executed for being pirates and now her older sister’s behaviour is casting a shadow on Ximena’s rising star. When it seems that Gasparilla, a notorious, but supposedly dead, pirate captain, is in action once more, Ximena sees this as her opportunity to prove herself and achieve her dream…
‘Capitana’ is not normally the sort of book I would pick up- however, I am very glad that I did as I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you haven’t read it, please continue at your peril as I might give some bits away!
The plot moves at a lively pace, full of action and with plenty of twists, as Ximena gradually begins to question everything she has known and believed in all her life. Strong, determined and single-minded, she has done her duty ‘to the Law, to the Queen and to the Empire’ without thinking, rejecting friendship and expecting the ill treatment caused by her parents’ disgrace. As the book develops, there is a real change in her persona and she begins to question the system she has always believed in as she sees the harm done by imperialism and ruthless authority on her journey to defeat Gasparilla, ultimately leading to her defying the Empire and taking a very different path.
The writing is really atmospheric, scattered with Spanish vocabulary, immersing the reader in Ximena’s world with vivid descriptions. Although there are many deaths and plenty of violence, the author manages to avoid being overly gory. Similarly, the simmering romance between Ximena and her arch rival, Dante de Leon, who has progressed through nepotism rather than effort, is really well handled, not over-done as it is in some ‘teen romance’ stories!
Great good stuff!
Cassandra James
Hot Key Books ISBN: 1471416743
Out on the 4th February