Blog Tour: Bigfoot Island

I am delighted to be the first stop of the Blog Tour for ‘Bigfoot Island’. Having loved ‘Bigfoot Mountain’, it was a real pleasure to return and find out more about Minnie and Kaayii.

When a boat brings strangers to stay in the cabins by her home, Minnie is worried. Although she and the others watched the Bigfoots leave and make their way to Echo Island (which she now thinks of as Bigfoot Island), Minnie is sure that Kaayii has stayed behind and is still living on the mountain. The last thing she wants is for the new-comers to discover them. Kaayii also has a problem as an intruder has arrived on the mountain. Somehow, they must work together to protect the home and people they love.

‘Bigfoot Mountain’ introduced the reader to Minnie, Dan, Connie and Billy and their idyllic lives at the foot of a remote mountain, surrounded by wildlife and nature. ‘Bigfoot Island’ continues their story after the Sasquatches leave the mountainside and head for a new home on a nearby island. Once again, the reader is treated to rich descriptions of nature and the wildlife as Minnie explores, not only the mountainside, but also Bigfoot Island. The thin line of beauty which veils the dangers of the wilderness is also evident in their lives. Even Dan, so familiar with this landscape, can mis-judge the power of nature.

The visitors- both human and Sasquatch- also pose a threat to the tranquility of Minnie’s life. When Alex, Cristy and their son, Marshal, come to stay, Dan is pleased as they will bring some much needed money with them. However, when Alex and Marshal set off up the mountains armed with a rifle, their lack of understanding of nature and the possibility of their discovering the truth of what’s living in the woods causes everyone trouble. ‘A man who thought he was a hunter, but didn’t really know what he was doing, had gone off into the forest with a gun.’ The consequences of his actions are significant for Kaayii and the Sasquatch visitor he is shadowing.

The relaxing power of nature is as key to this story as the last. Marshal arrives at the island with his clothes and attitude set against the place, his eyes barely leaving his signal-less phone. By the end of the book, he has connected with nature and learned to enjoy the solitude and peace of the mountains. Nature’s ability to heal and comfort is also shown through the actions of the Bigfoots as they accept the newcomer in their midst.

The bond between Minnie and Kaayii remains strong as each seeks to understand the other, but from a respectful distance. Minnie has a deep appreciation of, and regard for, their differences and the young Sasquatch is full of curiosity about the young human, convinced she is something special.

A ‘Bigfoot Fact file’ is included at the end of the story, offering a perfect starting point for anyone keen to discover more about these legendary creatures and there is a page of illustrations by cover artist, Jess Mason, showing some of the wildlife encountered through the story.

I hope Minnie and Kaayii are involved in another adventure together soon!

Bigfoot Island Roderick O’Grady

Firefly Press ISBN: 978-1915444097

Many thanks to the lovely people at Firefly Press for inviting me to take part in this Blog Tour. Enjoy following each stop on the tour this week!

You can read my review of Bigfoot Mountain here and my Q and A with Roderick O’Grady here.


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