Reviews from Another Life

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Picture Book, Belonging, NSSM22 Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Belonging, NSSM22 Sue Wilsher

The Perfect Fit

Triangle loves rolling with the circles, playing with the squares and having fun with the hexagons. But wherever she goes, Triangle feels like she doesn’t fit. After much searching, she eventually finds those just like herself. Together, they have a wonderful time, but she quickly realises that she misses…everyone else! Soon, all the shapes are having a brilliant time together. They might not all be exactly the same, but they can still be the best of friends.

‘The Perfect Fit’ is a delightful story, perfect for sharing with KS1 and EYFS children, but also worth reading to, and using to initiate discussions with, older children. The instant visual appeal of the story makes it so easy to relate to and children could readily create their own shape characters to explore how they are feeling or as a starting point for writing their own stories or poems. The illustrations beautifully personify the different individuals and Triangle has endearing freckles which add to her character- and make her easy to spot amid the other yellow triangles!

The story celebrates difference, showing that it’s not only OK to be different, but that difference can be a good thing, bringing new ideas and new perspectives. The use of shapes is a gift to teachers as there are so many mathematical links and colour links which can be made whilst enjoying the story.

A wonderful story for exploring difference and the fun of fitting in- or not, ‘The Perfect Fit’ is just joyous!

The Perfect Fit Naomi Jones, illustrated by James Jones

OUP ISBN: 978-0192774613

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