Reviews from Another Life

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Picture Book, Space Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Space Sue Wilsher

Molly’s Moon Mission

Molly is a small moth with big ambitions. Her dream is to go to the moon and she puts in lots of hard work and training to accomplish her moon mission. However, Molly has a few false starts as she mistakes first a bulb, then a street lamp and finally a lighthouse for the light of the moon. At this point, her steely determination waivers slightly before a wise old crab offers some words of encouragement and with renewed confidence, she achieves her goal and makes a giant leap for moth-kind!

Full of Duncan’s charming illustrations, ‘Molly’s Moon Mission’ is a wonderful story about holding on to your dreams and never giving up. Molly’s determination is an example to us all, but the story also makes it clear that fulfilling dreams does not come easy- it requires perseverance and dedication as well. And having successfully achieved her goal, Molly is keen to encourage others to follow in her footsteps. She’s quite a moth!

There is so much that could be done with this story in class or at a book group session. Molly lends herself to becoming a lovely little stick puppet which could easily be made and used to retell the story. Children could find out about moths and create Molly-shaped books to record their facts in. They could paint night sky pictures and add a Molly to the scene. Stories about Molly’s siblings and the adventures that she has inspired them to go on would be great fun to write and could form a collection of stories for the library. The language Duncan uses to tell the story is rich and varied, making it a great one to use for developing vocabulary and exploring words as well as using for some fun SPaG activities. I can’t help planning a Moths and Moonbeams (Snakes and Ladders) type of game to develop sentence work!

A wonderfully positive and encouraging story, ‘Molly’s Moon Mission’ is a real treasure. We are looking forward to hearing more about this inspiring moth when Duncan visits us next week as part of our World Book Day celebrations!

Molly’s Moon Mission Duncan Beedie

Templar ISBN: 978-1787413405

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