Reviews from Another Life

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Picture Book, Poetry, Narrative non-fiction, Nature Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Poetry, Narrative non-fiction, Nature Sue Wilsher

Swim, Shark, Swim!

Showing the imaginary migration of a blacktip reef shark, ‘Swim, Shark, Swim’ takes the reader on a voyage of discovery and introduces them to the underwater world. Here, they meet different types of sharks and other marine life in their habitats before finding a way back to the Great Barrier Reef and home.

Blue sun in sunken skies

the sea sharpens to the shape

of Shark off the west coast

of Australia.

So begins this magical journey, sympathetically exploring shark’s world. It is a joy to read aloud, lyrical and flowing, and sure to excite the imagination. The blacktip reef shark encounters many other species on its journey offering a fascinating glimpse of some of the different types of shark and their habitats. A little more information is included about each at the end of the book along with other things it encounters, making the perfect starting point for further investigation.

Often the focus of fear and sensationalist headlines, ‘Swim, Shark, Swim’ focuses on the beauty of these creatures and the essential role they play in helping to maintain the ocean’s balance. It also reminds the reader of the threats posed by climate change and the impact this is having on shark’s world.

Each glorious illustration celebrates the beauty of our oceans, showing the varied habitats of the sharks and the creatures who live alongside them. The book would make a wonderful starting point for inspiring artwork and poems about these magnificent creatures, accompanied by research. The text is rich in imagery, alliteration, kennings, repetition, onomatopoeia… showing the joy of language and the beauty of expression as well as conveying lots of fascinating information.

Perfect for reading aloud, ‘Swim, Shark, Swim!’ would make a wonderful addition to any bookshelf.

Swim, Shark, Swim!

Dom Conlon, illustrated by Anastasia Izlesou

Graffeg ISBN: 978-1914079054

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Picture Book, Poetry, Narrative non-fiction, Nature Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Poetry, Narrative non-fiction, Nature Sue Wilsher

Leap, Hare, Leap!

‘Dip-dwelling grass-grazer’ Hare leaps from landscape to landscape around the world, introducing the reader to different breeds of hares on her journey. As she ventures from place to place, Hare faces danger from predators as she encounters her

Rich in imagery, ‘Leap, Hare, Leap!’ is a beautiful introduction to the world of these fascinating creatures. Using kennings, alliteration, simile and metaphor, the book is lyrical, a joy to read aloud, as well as informative. Additional facts about each hare she meets are included at the end of the book along with information about the Hare Preservation Trust. A glossary explains some of the terms used.

The artwork is as powerful as the text, full of drama and detail. Hare escapes from each predator-including the man-made ‘mechanical monster’ which destroys Woolly hare’s home- making it safely home to her leverets. This book, like ‘Swim, Shark, Swim!’, is perfect for supporting work in science on animals and their habitats as well as for inspiring poetry writing.

‘Leap, Hare, Leap!’ offers a love of language, beautiful illustrations and fascinating facts.

Leap Hare Leap!

Dom Conlon, illustrated by Anastasia Izlesou

Graffeg ISBN: 978-1913134921

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Picture Book, Rainbows Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Rainbows Sue Wilsher

Fletcher and the Rainbow

When Fletcher sees a rainbow, he wants to help it shine forever. As he hurries through the woods, looking for the rainbow’s end, his friends help him, but still the colours fade until even the last scrap of colour has gone. Initially saddened, Fletcher remembers all the wonderful colours he has seen on his way through the woods and makes an autumn rainbow with his friends.

The beauty of this series is how perfectly each book highlights the simple pleasures and experiences of little children. Rainbows are a constant source of fascination and wonder and this book gently introduces how they are formed as well as exploring the creatures and colours of autumn. The story offers a brilliant starting point for going on a nature hunt for colourful objects with which to create their own rainbows or to find out about woodland creatures.

The illustrations are just lovely. The soft colours perfectly capture scene after scene as Fletcher makes his way through the woodland, making each spread a complete joy. Perfect for enjoying at home or at school, Fletcher makes a much loved addition to any book corner.

Fletcher and the Rainbow Julia Rawlinson, illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke

Graffeg ISBN: 978-1914079245

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Picture Book, Caterpillars Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Caterpillars Sue Wilsher

Fletcher and the Caterpillar

Fletcher finds a new friend- a caterpillar- who enjoys munching his way through leaves. Fletcher and the other animals try hard to include him in their games, but Caterpillar just wants to munch on green leaves and grass. When Caterpillar stops munching, Fletcher becomes worried. How can he help his new friend?

I had the great pleasure of joining the launch for this lovely book. Fletcher is the most endearing little fox, full of curiosity and wonder as he explores the world around him. He tries to include Caterpillar in all his games, but soon realises that Caterpillar is just happy to munch whilst Fletcher enjoys himself in other ways. The story beautifully shows how friends can enjoy different activities and yet maintain the best of friendships, offering each other quiet, mutual support and understanding.

Their quiet companionship is only ruffled by Fletcher’s concern when Caterpillar stops munching. His care for his friend continues and his patient concern is rewarded when Butterfly emerges from his chrysalis in all his beauty. Fletcher’s joy in nature reflects the fascination little ones have for the natural world and they will be able to relate to his activities, finding out more about caterpillars as they read his story.

The illustrations are just lovely. Soft watercolours glow with the colours of spring, full of flowers and rich green leaves. Little Caterpillar looks as contented as can be as he munches through leaf after leaf and there is so much to explore and discuss on each spread.

A delightful, gentle story exploring friendship and the joys of nature, ‘Fletcher and the Caterpillar’ is sure to become a firm favourite.

Fletcher and the Caterpillar Julia Rawlinson, illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke

Graffeg ISBN: 978-1913733933

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