Brilliant Bookshops: Mr B’s Emporium of Reading Delights

If you've never been to Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights, you really don't know what you are missing! As you step through the doorway, you find yourself in bookshop heaven.

Mr’s B’s is just round the corner from the Jane Austen Centre and the centre of Bath, yet being tucked away on John Street, it manages an air of calm welcome before you even cross the threshold. A haven for book-lovers, the staff always offer a warm welcome, balancing brilliant advice if needed with allowing space for browsing and breathing in the books!

Entering the children’s section is a very magical experience, often causing exclamations of delight and wonder from visitors old and young. With it’s calming purple decor, it is the perfect room with plenty of places to sit and share a story, dream awhile- or (of course!) find some new book-ish treasure.

As well as a very pleasing poetry section and a good selection of myths and legends, the shop boasts a wonderful range of picture books, graphic novels, non-fiction and novels. A ‘Children’s Highlights’ case reflects some of the most recent releases, temptingly displayed- just in case you were in danger of missing them! A further range of treats is displayed in the little corridor just outside the children’s section and a wide range of young adult titles is also housed here.

The shop offers a wonderful programme of author events and lots of ways to provide your loved ones with reading gifts. Their Reading Spas are particularly enjoyable (I have been given two!) - a great way of discovering some new treats whilst having a wonderful book-lovers’ chat- with cake!

Mr B’s also houses an incredible selection of books for adults. The shop is full of lovely, quirky touches, making each of its rooms a place to enjoy as well as to look for books. Look up for a display of author’s pens hanging from the ceiling or find your next read on the claw-footed bath display, but above all, enjoy this delight shop which is truly an ‘emporium of reading delights’!

Mr B's Emporium Bookshop

14-15, John St, Bath BA1 2JL


Brilliant Bookshops: Waterstones, Bath


Brilliant Bookshops: Topping and Company, Bath